Useful info

Useful info


The captain, or authorized representative, on any yacht arriving to/departing from Martinique should go to any authorized agent to make the required customs declaration via a customs computer (check Directory/Clearance section for the list of authorized agents). You need to present passports and the ship’s papers. In order to save time, the Marin Marina allows you to download and complete the forms from its website and hand them in at the harbour master’s office reception (via USB thumb drive). While the customs authority charges no duty or tax for issuing this document, some structures are, however, requesting a participation towards the costs (5€ at the Marin Marina).

Social media for boaters

- Martinique Cruisers Net broadcasts in season in English on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:30am on VHF channel 08 to boaters anchored at Le Marin and Sainte-Anne. The purpose is to welcome visiting yachts, promote safety and security, share useful information about the island, provide answers to FAQ’s. The link between the boaters continues on two dedicated facebook groups Martinique Cruisers Information and Martinique Cruisers Events & Advertising.

- Caribbean Safety and Security Net (CSSN) - is collecting and reporting any incident (theft, assault, crime…) against yachts in the Caribbean.

Business hours

Most shops are open Monday through Friday 9 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm and Saturday 9 am to 1 pm.
Shopping malls in the outskirts are open Monday through Saturday 8:30 am to 8:30 pm. The bigger supermarkets are also open Sunday morning 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Public services and banks usually open early in the morning, close around 4 pm except Wednesday afternoon when they close around noon. Most services are closed Saturday.


Euros, the same as France. For all of your foreign exchange, look for Change Caraïbeswith convenient airport and Fort-de-France downtown locations. Visaand Mastercardare accepted at most ATMs and shops in major towns on the island. American Express is accepted in supermarkets, major retail stores and in almost all shops in rue Victor Hugo in Fort-de-France. Diner's Club is rarely accepted (you might ask in shops in Fort-de-France as well as at Galleria shopping mall).

Time zone
GMT/UTC - 4 hours.

Useful info


- On shore: 220V, 50 Hz
- Le Marin Marina: 110V, 220V, 380V, 16A-125A
- Pointe du Bout Marina: 220 V- 10 A
- Port de Plaisance Communautaire de l’Etang Z’Abricots : 220 V- 380 V, 16 A - 32 A


Tap water is safe to drink everywhere on the island.


Telephone numbers in Martinique have ten digits that start with 05 96 (06 96 for mobile phones). Telephone numbers in Martinique have ten digits that start with 05 96 (06 96 for mobile phones). To place a call from abroad, dial the international access code + the code for Martinique (596) + the number you want, making sure to omit the first 0 (dial only the last 9 digits). (From the US 011 + 596 596 + six digit number)

To call metropolitan France : no codes are needed, just dial the 10 digit number. To call other countries : dial 00 + the country code + the number you want.

Guadeloupe, St Martin and St Barths are all local calls from Martinique.

Postal services

You'll find La Poste offices in almost every town (closed Wednesday and Saturday afternoon). A letter to Europe and the USA will take less than 10 days, letters to metropolitan France will take 4 to 5 days.



Health care in Martinique is among the best in the Caribbean. There are lots of general practitioners and specialists and they often attend patients without a prior appointment, however, you may have to wait a long time. Hint : show up at least half an hour before the office opens to make sure you'll be among the first to be attended. Consultation fees : 25€ at a general practitioner.

Emergency numbers

15 SAMU / Ambulance service
17 Police
18 Fire (Pompiers)
196 24-Hour sea rescue (CROSS)
05 96 63 33 33 24-Hour doctors service (SOS Médecins)

Health services: open 7/7

Lamentin Airport Pharmacy - 05 96 42 17 64 - Open daily from 7:30am to 10:00pm - first floor.
(Drugstore, allopathy, homoeopathy, veterinary products).

Lamentin Airport Medical Center - 05 96 42 16 16 - Open daily from 9:00am to 10:00pm - first floor.

Dengue fever and Chikungunya: prevention is key

Both dengue and Chikungunya are viral diseases whose vector is the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Individuals can limit their exposure to the mosquito vector by wearing long clothes, applying insect repellant, and using mosquito nets. Early recognition is important. Therefore if you have been bitten by mosquitos and you develop a fever or suffer from joint pain, talk with a doctor right away.

Useful info

Manchineel trees : beware of danger !

You'll encounter manchineel trees all along the sandy coast. All parts of this tree are dangerous. The fruit, resembling small apples, the leaves, the bark, the sap, EVERYTHING is toxic. Don't take cover under this tree when it rains and do not use its branches in a barbecue. Contact with any part of this extremely toxic tree can cause severe burns. In Martinique most manchineel trees are recognizable by a red stripe painted on the trunk.

Useful info

Carnival: a popular tradition

In Martinique and Guadeloupe, organized festivities start on the Sunday following Epiphany. The festivities reach their peak during the days around Fat Tuesday and climax Wednesday night. In 2024, the five days of popular revelry will take place from February 10th to February 14th. The king of Carnival, nicknamed ‘Vaval’, a satirical character depicting a politician, a celebrity or an institution, is marched through the streets followed by jubilant crowds. There’s a different parade on each day:on Monday a burlesque wedding, on Fat Tuesday red devils and on Ash Wednesday she-devils, rambunctious mourners in black and white outfits. On the night of the last day ‘Vaval’ is burned and the festivities grind to a halt.

Public holiday

- January 1: New Year's Day
- February 12, 13 and 14: Carnival (Lundi Gras, Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday)
- March 30: Good Friday (traditional Day of the Cross)
- April 2: Easter Monday
- May 1: Labour Day
- May 8: Commemoration of the eruption of Mount Pelée + Armistice Day (end of World War Two)
- May 13: Ascension Thursday (commemorating the Ascension of Christ)
- May 22: Slavery Abolition Day
- May 21: Pentecost Monday
- July 14: Bastille Day, French Independence Day
- August 15: Assumption Day (celebrating the Elevation of the Virgin)
- November 1: All Saints Day
- November 2: Day of the Dead
- November 11: Armistice Day (end of World War One)
- December 25: Christmas Day